John Larch The Eiger Sanction Richard Brody on Clint Eastwoods Play Misty for Me (1971). Du Jazz, du jazz, du jazz, et quelques surprises, toujours trs cool. Watch online Play Misty for Me 1971 full with English subtitle. Watch online free Play Misty for Me, Clint Eastwood, Jessica Walter, James McEachin, John Larch, Donna. Play Misty for Me is a 1971 American psychological thriller film, directed by and starring Clint Eastwood, in his directorial debut. Jessica Walter and Donna Mills co. Play Misty for Me est diffuse par Radionomy qui s'occupe des droits d'auteurs en accord avec la Sabam Powered by WordPress Diabolique Design optimized for Firefox Donna Mills Find great deals on eBay for play misty for me and play misty for me dvd. Jack Ging Aug 28, 1971Video embeddedWatch Play Misty for Me instantly on VUDU. Clint Eastwood made his directorial debut with this contemporary thriller about psychotic obsession. com: Play Misty for Me: Clint Eastwood, Jessica Walter, Donna Mills, John Larch, Jack Ging, Irene Hervey, James McEachin, Clarice Taylor, Donald Siegel, Duke. Video embeddedPlay Misty for Me marked Clint Eastwood's debut as a director, and it gave him the thenunusual opportunity to play a regular contemporary guy in a thriller about sex. Coogan's Bluff Powder Blue Play Misty for Me Bluray (1971): Starring Clint Eastwood, Jessica Walter and Donna Mills. A brief fling between a male disc jockey and an obsessed female fan takes a. The girl calls up every night at about the same time and asks the disc jockey to play Misty for her. He's the allnight man on a small station. Play Misty for Me Popular radio show host Dave Garver (Clint Eastwood) becomes restless in his relationship with his girlfriend (Donna Mills). The Gazebo Clint Eastwood Read the Play Misty for Me movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on Movies. Dirty Harry Frida Open Season Aug 28, 1971Watch trailers, read customer and critic reviews, and buy Play Misty for Me directed by Clint Eastwood for 14. Although there were already several released versions, the Mathis version recorded in April 1959 popularized this virtually unknown Garner song. Breezy High Plains Drifter Loha Director Clint Eastwood's first movie is the story of a California disk jockey (Eastwood) who one night meets Evelyn (Jessica Walter), a goodlooking devoted listener. com: Play Misty for Me [Bluray: Clint Eastwood, Jessica Walter, Donna Mills, John Larch, Jack Ging, Irene Hervey, James McEachin, Clarice Taylor, Don Siegel. A brief fling between a male disc jockey and an obsessed female fan takes a frightening, and perhaps even deadly turn when another woman enters the picture. Feb 10, 2007Clint Eastwood made his directorial debut with this contemporary thriller about psychotic obsession. Eastwood also takes the lead in the. Play Misty For Me (1971), Clint Eastwood's first film as star and director, is a suspenseful, thrilling film of psychotic sexual